
A bout a day in my life

I want to talk about a happy day in my life. One day when I was going to Khartoum to buy clothes, I got in the bus.I wanted to sit near the window. I saw a beautiful girl coming in the bus. When I saw her, she made my heart beat.Because I found my self in her. She came and sat next to me at that moment I felt my heart fly. And I said to her are you going to Khartoum? She answered me with a smile: yes but why are you asking? Then I said to her because I am going to Khartoum too.
In a short time we knew each other. Although it was a short story but it was very nice.


  1. What a short post for a lovely incident in your life!
    Did you meet up with her again? Does she mean anything to you now? :-)
    Well, as we say in Arabic, you have a "light" heart my dear Shafie!!!
    Nice post!
    Teacher Hala

  2. Now, this is much better!
    Teacher Hala
